Rous Public School

A quality education in a caring environment.

Telephone02 6629 5294

School Hours

Playground supervision begins at 8.35am upon the arrival of the first school bus. All children who arrive prior to this time are asked to sit in the COLA until teacher supervision commences.

Morning time the bell goes at 9.05am, this bell indicates to stop play, go to the toilet and go to the assembly area for fruit snack. During this time, we deliver some key messages and head straight to class. We do this promptly to ensure learning time is not wasted. 

Session times

9.10-11.10 Morning session

11.10-11.30 First half eating. We have created a first half eating session, to allow students a settled time to eat. During this time, staff can supervise eating and ensure all rubbish is placed in the bin. Once all rubbish is picked up, the teacher allows students to go and play.

11.30-12.00 Second half play time (students must be wearing a hat when playing outside)

12.00-1.40 Middle session

1.40-2.00 Recess

2.00-3.10 Afternoon session. We kindly ask parents to pick students up before 3.20 each day.