Rous Public School

A quality education in a caring environment.

Telephone02 6629 5294

Class News

Meet Our Teaching Staff

Mrs Jenkins - Principal and Year 5/6 Teacher


My name is Krystal Jenkins, I am the proud Principal of Rous Public School. I have been teaching for over 20 years, in numerous different teaching and leadership positions. 
Rous Public School is a special place to work, the students, staff and community are amazing. I am a proud public educator; I believe all children have the right to access high quality public education.
At Rous Public School, we offer all our student's access to high educational curriculum content and multiple opportunities to show interests and talents in extracurricular activities.  
I have 4 beautiful children and love spending my weekends at the beach, playing sports and spending quality time as a family. 

Miss Craike - Year 5/6 Teacher

Hello! I'm Amy Craike, and I grew up in the beautiful surroundings of Lennox Head. After working at different schools on the Northern Rivers, I'm thrilled to be at Rous Public School, where I teach the 5/6 class with Mrs. Jenkins. This role has been a perfect fit, blending my passion for guiding young minds with the collaborative spirit of our teaching team.

Starting a family last year transformed my perspective on teaching and learning. It's made me more empathetic and attuned to the individual needs of each child, reinforcing my belief in the power of education to change lives.

When I'm not in the classroom, I cherish my time at the beach or enjoying the great outdoors with my family. These moments of connection with nature are not just personal joys; they inspire my teaching, allowing me to bring real-world experiences into the classroom.

I'm proud to be a part of the Rous community and excited for the adventures and growth of our amazing students.

Mr De Stefani - Year 3/4 Teacher


Hello, I am Dino De Stefani. I have been an educator for over 10 years at various large and small schools in the local area. Mid way through 2020 I began teaching at Rous Public School.This year I am the Year 3/4 teacher.

Teaching children is a rewarding experience. Having the opportunity to teach in a beautiful school setting with wonderful staff and community is very satisfying.

Personally, I enjoy trying to stay healthy through an active lifestyle. I enjoy a variety of activities that involve being outside with my family, near the ocean river or parks. I enjoy travelling reading and cooking and find other countries and cultures interesting.

Mr Johnson - Year 1/2 Teacher


My name is Brad Johnson. I studied teaching as a mature aged student, moving to the Lismore in 2005 to study. I graduated in 2008 and had plans to move back out to Western NSW. However, I fell in love with the area and haven’t moved!

After graduating I filled many different temporary roles, beginning at Wyrallah Public School and then at Tregeagle Public School for 4 years. In 2013, due to a family illness, I lived in Brisbane for 12 months and was unable to teach. Upon returning to the area in 2014, I was approached to return to teaching at Rous Public School for 2 days per week. That eventually ended in me taking up a temporary position in 2015, culminating in me becoming a permanent member of Rous Public School in 2019.

I really enjoy the challenges and rewards of teaching. Seeing children grow and learn every day is so rewarding. I grew up in a very small country town, so I absolutely love the sense of community at Rous Public School and the relationships formed with staff, students and families. Seeing past students out in the community, (while it makes me feel old) their sense of belonging at Rous Public School and respect for staff, is such a wonderful reflection of how proud they are of where they began their education.  

I am a proud dad of 2 children and as everyone knows am a very avid sports person. So, my weekends are either participating in sports or watching them at a local or national level.

Ms Allen - K/1 Teacher

After a short and uneventful career as a stay-at-home mother, Kelly-Rae (nom de plume Miss A) ultimately finished her Bachelor of Education (Primary) and gained seven years’ worth of temporary contracts teaching Kindergarten and Year 1 at a neighbouring public school. In 2012 she became pre-eminent, she is not sure how, landing a coveted permanent teaching appointment in Paradise, otherwise known as Rous Public School. Her status continued and she gained Instructional Leadership roles that allowed her to hone her skills in Curriculum delivery while keeping a foot in the classroom, giving her maximum street credibility.

As part of her recently formalised appointment as Paradise’s Assistant Principal Curriculum & Instruction (APC&I) she frequently lectures other teachers, the odd Principal, on the theory of best practice and occasionally supports them in their practical application. Her sphere of influence has expanded to impact positively on the learning of students and colleagues within Paradise and other local school communities. She has no plans to allow other schools full-time access to her educational prowess. Small schools are her jam.

Kelly-Rae is a firm favourite with students – she is not sure why. She is one of the least interesting persons you might ever meet. Although she did win Best Dancer in the teacher category at the 2023 Easter Fete disco. She enjoys having her photo taken, so it begs the question “Why does she continue to use this ten-year-old photo in all her PR material?” Like most teachers, she doesn’t like to reinvent the wheel, unless a certain level of satisfaction will arise from the unnecessary output of time.

She happily remains in the same de facto relationship she has been in for the past 27 years. With a lawyer, no less. She is strangely unaccustomed to winning arguments. She has three adult children and the memory of playing amateur netball and basketball and participating in various competitive equestrian and swimming events. She has little to no interest in golf, four-wheel driving or attending music festivals. She has no skills on the domestic front. She drinks too much tea and has not the slightest intention of giving up dark chocolate (unless it’s over 70% cocoa – that’s too intense).

She is sceptical about the existence of work/life balance. She subscribes to the notion of living and breathing work mindfully, of course. And why wouldn’t she if she loves her job? Teaching foundational age children to read and write and develop and apply efficient mathematical strategies in Paradise IS all it’s cracked up to be.

Mrs Kelsall - Learning and Support Teacher

Mrs Kavanagh - School Learning and Support Officer

Mrs Murray - School Learning and Support Officer

Mr Bird - School Learning and Support Officer