Rous Public School

A quality education in a caring environment.

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Tregeagle District Athletics


What a fantastic day we all had at the Tregeagle District Athletics Carnival! Many ribbons were won by our students and their efforts in representing Rous Public School need to be congratulated!

Just as importantly, all students supported each other and socialised with students from other schools in a positive manner. Sometimes this is just as important for our students on these days, than competing in races and winning ribbons! Well done to all the students!

A big thank you to the staff who attended on the day. Mr D for his efforts at the discus, Mrs Bate for her work in collating all the results, distributing ribbons and ensuring the scoring is accurate. Mrs Macqueen for her work in supervising and encouraging our students.

Without these dedicated staff members these days aren’t possible.

Oh I forgot!! Rous PS were the overall winners on the day!!!!😃😃